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Boost Your Brain Power
Like any other part of the body, neurons weaken as people age. But you can re-energise your brain power by doing a few simple things.

Foods that Lower Blood Sugar Levels
There are foods that can help to lower blood sugar level. High blood sugar level can be controlled by having right kind of foods. So it’s not only about the drugs but also having a well balanced diet.

Tips for Hair Coloring
Are you interested in coloring your hair? But before you do that you need to know what is good what is bad of hair coloring. Here are secrets and special tips for achieving great hair without damaging your hair’s health.

Common Causes of Hair Loss
If you’ve noticed a few hairs on your pillowcase or caught in the shower drain, don’t despair. In many cases, hair loss is entirely treatable. Here are some common and possible causes of hair loss.

What Drug Experts Won't Touch
Top three drugs you should always avoid. Read and know what are they!

Liver Detox and Foods for a Healthy liver
The liver is a very important organ for our body as it has many functions. It cleanses the toxins out of the blood, stores certain vitamins and minerals and controls fats, amino acids glucose and cholesterol. Liver also combats infections in the body.

Four Easy Ways to Overcome Stress
In this fast paced life we often feel the stress. It is now very common to our society. Although, stress or anxiety is not good for health but sadly we cannot live completely without it.

How to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way
Many of us think losing weight is a tricky thing and sometimes losing weight is hard, too. But at the same time, lots of people are unhappy with their weight and the way they look. Overweight and fat appearance certainly reduce your charm.

Tips For Hair Coloring
Are you interested in coloring your hair? But before you do that you need to know what is good what is bad of hair coloring. Here are secrets and special tips for achieving great hair without damaging your hair’s health.

Ways to Purify Blood Naturally
Impure blood affects the body. it creates many health problems – pimples, pigmentation, anaemia, skin diseases, tension, weakness, fatigue. The blood flowing in cells should be pure for a healthy body.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Here’s good news for all you chocoholics! Turns out you don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day or a special occasion to indulge in chocolates. You can consume it every day without breaking your diet, as long as you eat the right kind and right amount of chocolate.


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Resveratrol is a chemical compound that can be found in the plants. It is a vital Phytoalexin. Phytoalexins are naturally produce antibiotic compounds which plant produces to protect itself from fungus, insects and extreme temperatures. Resveratrol is a very important Phytoalexin and it helps plant to fight and repair the damages. Interesting point is scientists believe resveratrol is excellent for health and can significantly extend the lifespan.
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